(n) International Day of Happiness

by hwilliams773

IDHHappy International Day of Happiness! What a perfect day for it; the first day of spring! The sun is shining today! It’s a lovely day to be alive, to be smiling, dare I say, to be happy! Let’s list some things to do that could bring you or someone else happiness today! Keep in mind I’m counting bringing a smile to someone’s face, ’cause, well, ’cause I said so! Plus, “I love smiling! Smiling’s my favorite!”

List of Happy Tasks:

  • Dance it out! – Whether or not someone’s watching, music and dancing actually make you happy! Why not bust a groove out of nowhere if it’s gonna bring you happiness!


  • SMILE, You’re being recorded! – Well, maybe you’re not on film, but plenty of people see you! See how long you can keep a grin on your face, especially while in public. You’d be surprised how many doses of sunshine you could be administering to perfect strangers.
  • Do something nice for someone else. – It doesn’t matter how big the task, it will make you feel happy and make someone else happy. I gave up my seat on the train for a man with a cane this morning. He thanked me and seemed to be a bit happier because of it. I felt good that I wasn’t a selfish person. You could hold a door for someone, or volunteer at your favorite organization; either way you’re doing something to make someone else happy, which in turn will make you happy.
  • Treat Yoself! – Want an ice cream cone? Git it! Butter croissant? Do you, Boo boo! New pair of adorable shoes? Gone, git it, gurl! Sometimes a little something nice can really turn your day around.
  • Look for the silver lining! – Today I woke up, checked my social accounts and saw SO many people complain about the wee bit of snow fall that dusted these Chicago streets. “Ugh, Thanks Spring for the snow!” and other comments of the like were sprinkled all over the place. It’s March, the most unpredictable weather month, and also, it’s not going to be 60 overnight with the winter we experienced. Instead, why not look at the bright side? It’s sunny! The snow has already melted. There were not accompanying wind gusts blowing anyone into the frozen ice chunk boneyard that is currently Lake Michigan. There’s not ice on the sidewalk. I’d say overall it’s a pretty beautiful first day of spring!
  • Get out there and MOVE! – It’s gorgeous out! Go make the most of it! Go for a stroll, dance some more! Maybe go for a good run or go for a nice bike ride. Point is, exercise and movement help increase your energy level, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, among so many other benefits
  • Hug it OUT – Everyone needs a hug from time to time. Now, I’m not saying go hug some rando, unless you want to. We all have people in our lives that need a hug. Also, you’re getting happy energy out of it too!https://i0.wp.com/cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/epic-hugs-monster-inc.gif
  • Pay ME – A compliment to someone will go a long-long way for someone. If I see a cute outfit on a complete stranger, I will compliment that person. Why not! It’s nice to hear something nice about yourself from time to time. We’re not dressing for someone else, but when someone says, “hey, cute dress!” doesn’t it just make you feel a little bit more confident and light on your feet for the day? I’ll answer for you; it does. 😉
  • Sing IT! – Break out that mic, or just belt it out in the shower, but singing helps brighten the dreariest of moods. And don’t act like you never sing; EVERYONE sings, whether it’s silently to yourself or as loud as you can go while stuck in traffic, we all do it! Ain’t nobody judging you, so let the freak flag fly high, Butterfly!


Looking for some more lists? Check out Fabfitfun’s list. Also, check out this great info graphic I found on the Twitter from my friend, Erica (@EAgran) at Ericafinds.com She got it from Happify, a pretty cool app I suggest you check out for more happiness in your life! You can also follow Happify and fabfitfun on the Twitter. Here are their handles @Happify @FabFitFun

Did I miss any Happy tasks? Tell me about it! What helps pick you up? Comment below! For more information about International Day of Happiness, check it hurr.